
Redefining Business with an HRMS

Is great talent acquisition for the HR wing enough to achieve all your organizational goals? Whatever your answer is, you must know that you might be doing exceptionally well on your business front, but you still need to be good at resource management to meet your organizational goals

If a business does exceptionally well, it implies that the resources have outperformed in every way possible. Hence, a human resource management system can make a world of difference. Gone are the days when the power remained centralized to the higher management.

We have stepped into an era when employee experience is one of the vital deciding factors of whether a business can thrive in the market. A diligent HR wing is a bonus point for the business owner. However, a dedicated HRMS can take you closer to your organizational goals.

Changes after Opting for an HRMS

Adopting the best HR systems with an HRMS and aligning tasks with the latest technology can benefit the organization in every possible way. Let us see the valuable changes an HRMS can bring to the organization.

Figuring out everything that matters

An HRMS can help you figure out everything that matters. It aligns tasks for you so you can complete them as per the priority. Right from one-to-one meetings to leave applications, you can manage it all seamlessly with the help of an HRMS.

Simplify the payroll process

You can simplify the payroll process and generate a pay register with a click. The best part about opting for a human resource software solution is it makes payroll processing super easy. It helps you smoothly generate payrolls adhering to all the compliance laws.

Helps HRs to take smart decisions

HRs get stuck in unproductive, mundane paperwork. HRMS can help HRs get rid of papers. Hence, they get insight into several vital things and take smart decisions.

Makes employees self-sufficient

Employees no longer depend on the HRs for basic requirements like several leaves, pay slips, etc. Employees can be independent and gather all their required details using the HRMS.

Deal with compliance issues

HRMS helps you deal with compliance in a better way. You can generate PF, ESI, and TDS Challan without hassle.

The Bottom line

All the above-listed benefits of HRMS can bring about a revolutionary change in overall business operations. Besides complete employee satisfaction, the HR system has become more systematical than ever.
So, how soon are you opting to transform your business operations with the help of an HRMS?


Free HRMS vs. Paid HRMS- Difference, Benefits, and More

When running a business, you might be wearing several hats and juggling various tasks. One of the most challenging tasks amidst all of them is HR systems and processes. When mundane HR tasks get on your nerves, you can manage them using a human resource software solution.

However, the most challenging part is not deciding whether to prefer an HRMS. It lies in deciding whether to go for a free HRMS or a paid one. Now that you have landed here, let us run through the exciting insights showing the highs and lows of choosing a free and paid human resources software solution.

Comparative Study of Free and Paid HRMS

We are always eager to jump for anything that might be free. However, there are always two sides to a coin. Here is a pros and cons analysis for a better insight into the matter.


You can manage some portions of your hectic HR-related tasks. ROI is one of the essential aspects of corporate budgeting approaches, and you get it completely. However, a paid HRMS will cost you some amount periodic

HR process upgradation:

The best part about using a human resource software solution is that you are on your way to streamlining the HR management process as per the latest technology. Hence, you can always be a step ahead and opt for futuristic solutions to problems with the software.

Data safety:

Free HRMS software is not a safe platform to put all your employee data out when you are up for using a software solution and vast and precious data storage. On the contrary, a paid HRMS software solution provider takes responsibility for data security (often). You must look into the SaaS agreement to get all such clarity.


Since the service is not chargeable, you might not charge the service providers for any issue. One fine day, the software might not function well too. However, a paid subscription for the software might ensure robust functioning.

Is free HRMS worth your time?

It can be a great try if you are new to the business software solution market. Moreover, free HRMS helps business owners understand their requirements from software.

On the other hand, if you are looking forward to automating the Human resource process and switching to a scalable and futuristic solution, you must go for a paid one. Paid software is the way more reliable, secure, and dependable solution.

So, which way have you thought of going and why? Let us know in the comment section below.


Supporting the New Moms at Work- Maternity leave Rules & More

While talking about the maternity journey and the work, we are not trying to bring men down. The pressure of being a parent is a tough journey, irrespective of gender aspect. However, mothers’ journey is more of a physical one and coping with the work while balancing motherhood requires a lot of support.

We, as a society, have started appreciating working moms. This itself is an indicator of the progress that we have been able to make so far. However, how much do we contribute to this progress? A maternity leave policy is one such appreciable move.

Attributes of Mom-Friendly Work Environment

Adhering to the rules led down by the government, organizations strictly follow the maternity leave policies. However, there are several other ways companies can support new moms to become accustomed to the truckloads of changes in their lives.

Strong maternity leave programs

Strong maternity leave programs help mothers take care of themselves and build loyalty for the company. Maternity leave rules in India for private companies are there to support working moms. It allows moms to adjust to the sudden change in their lives and take things at their pace.

Allowing utmost flexibility to the employee

Being a mom and working a full-time job is not a cakewalk. One can only tackle both if organizations allow flexible working hours. It need not be a documented process, but it’s that tiny bit that an organization can do to support working moms.

Childcare benefits to the employees

Childcare benefits can bring a huge impact on employees in both emotional and financial ways. Childcare perks reduce new moms’ strain on the child’s overall well-being.

Celebration of the achievement

Organizations must celebrate the achievements of new parents right from the birth of a child. A small cake-cutting gathering in the workplace cheers up the employees’ zeal.

Making the environment accommodable

New moms might find it difficult to accommodate workplaces. Organizations must try to make the environment comfortable and adjustable for new moms so that they can give their best shots.

Final Words

That’s how you can make a working mother feel cared for and comforted at the workplace. Striking the right balance while juggling motherhood and full-time work can sometimes get into nerves. However, a little support from the workplace can make a world of difference in the confidence of new working mothers.

All the above listed ways can uplift the spirits of new mothers. Moreover, a great leave management system can make the leaves way more trackable for the HRs.

So, how can your organization support motherhood?


Top Challenges of Manual TDS Calculation for Business Firms

Finally, we are addressing the monster in the room that pops up for the organizations at the end of each financial year- The TDS filing. Manual TDS filing brings in endless work for the finance and HR team. Let’s find out the challenges of the process of TDS filing.

TDS stands for Tax deduction at Source, which refers to the tax collection under Income Tax Act 1961. Hence, organizations take the declaration from the employees from the very beginning of a financial year. At the end of the financial year, they receive documentary proof of the investment at the end of the year to justify the tax exemptions.

Issues of Manual TDS computation:

The process becomes way more complicated and hectic when done manually. This section will reveal a few common issues organizations face during each financial year while TDS filing.

Taxable income calculation:

Manual calculation of the taxable income is one of the most chaotic aspects of the whole process. It increases the chances of mistakes and crossing deadlines as well.

Deduction calculation:

Tax exemption clauses tend to complicate the whole process further. Organizations take exemption declarations from the employees at the beginning of a financial year and take proofs of the same at the end of the year for TDS filing. Manual calculation of deduction for each employee becomes a headache.

Filing proper deductions

Filing proper deductions and tallying them with proof is also messy. There are high chances of errors, leading to several unwanted legal hassles.

Tax proof follow-ups to employees:

Collating information from sources, giving follow-ups etc., make the whole process time-taking. There are fair chances of crossing the deadline. Software is an excellent alternative for the manual collection of documents and investment proofs with tax exemptions.

Last-minute tax filing

Organizations mostly need to file accurate TDS on time. In this scenario, organizations are exposed to penalties. However, TDS filing software helps sources to avoid last-minute TDS filing.

How to solve these TDS filing issues?

Use an HRMS with dedicated TDS support for the organization. TDS filing software or HRMS with TDS filing support make the whole chaotic task super-easy. Moreover, you can’t skip the deadline because you can incur a penalty for the same.

Are you all set to simplify your TDS filing process with an intelligent solution like ConfluxHR that streamlines the process for you and automates the complicated process for utmost accuracy?


A Guide to Avoid Compliance Issues During Employee Exit Process

Resignations are an inevitable part of any company, especially a developing one. You can accept a resignation in stride at times. However, now and then, you will encounter unforeseen circumstances.

As an employer, you will undoubtedly confront the unavoidable – a resignation.

Dealing with the employee exit process correctly and methodically eliminates unwanted hindrances. Here’s a step-by-step guide on handling a resignation to make the transition easier for the employee and the firm.

Acknowledge the Employee Resignation

When you receive a resignation request from an employee, acknowledge it and inform the employee that the process has begun on your end.

After that, proceed with the steps outlined below:

  • The reporting supervisor and the HR manager should work together to decide the employee’s retention status.
  • Arrange an informal discussion with the employee to discuss whether or not you can keep them. Otherwise, consult the notice period, handover method, and any outstanding assignments you’d need before the person leaves.
  • Determine whether you want to hire a new employee to replace the employee. If you need to recruit someone, you should begin the process as soon as feasible.

Negotiate with the Employee

If you believe the employee is worth going the additional mile to keep, you must first grasp what it will take to save him. A raise or a promotion will usually cause the employee to reconsider their decision.

However, if the problem is more severe and you cannot persuade them, it is essential to demonstrate support for their decision.

Communicate the Notice Period

Once the resignation has been mutually accepted, determine the employee’s last day of employment. The notice period can be defined on the day of joining the employee.

The Hand Over Process

The job handled by the retiring employee must continue once he is gone. Request that he passes on his access to company sites, or any work in progress, to a colleague or the recruit.

The Final Exit Interview

It is critical to have an exit interview after the notice period to ease the employee’s leave. Having this interview close to the last day allows the employee to be more open about his opinions.

While this may appear to be a formality, it may answer some critical personnel management concerns correctly. Here are some questions you should ask at a departure interview:

What Made Them Leave?

  • What Might You Have Done Differently to Avert Your Resignation?
  • If Not, Then Why? / If Yes, Then Why?
  • Did They Have the Necessary Tools to Do Their Work Well?
  • What Did They Enjoy Best About the Company?
  • What Did They Not Like About The Firm the Most?

You should note the responses to these questions for further analysis. Keeping a record of exit interview responses will aid in identifying HR issues and reducing attrition rates.

Relieving Formalities

Finally, verify that all leave processes have been completed before the employee’s last day. You could set up a process in which the employee must receive an acknowledgement from appropriate supervisors before leaving.

This guarantees that all outstanding tasks have been finished and all relevant handovers have been accomplished. In addition, ensure that any products supplied to the employee have been returned. Here’s a brief list of items the employee may need to return before they leave the organization:

  • Laptops
  • Keys for Office/Drawers etc.
  • IDs and Access Cards
  • Company Cell phone
  • Company Credit Card

F&F and A Letter of Relief

It is now time to process the employee’s final settlement. It is also a great initiative to send staff a good-by letter on their last day. This would leave the employee with a favourable impression of your organization.

Here is a list of things you should include in their compensation package.

  • Unpaid Salary, including LTA
  • Reimbursements
  • Incentives
  • Remunerations
  • Gratuity, if applicable
  • Pension, if applicable

Once the funds have been processed, send the employee a resignation letter. Remember to include the tenure, designation, and remuneration in the letter.

Aren’t You Tired of Cumbersome Employee Exit Processes for the Sake of Compliance Management?

Following a set procedure avoids unnecessary delays and smoothens the transition for the employee and your business. However, you can simplify these processes with just a few clicks!

Employees can apply for resignation through ConfluxHR with just a few clicks. It also allows HR administrators to track, manage, and process all voluntary and involuntary resignations.

Here’s Everything ConfluxHR Gives You for a Smoother Employee Exit Process:

Resignation-Application & Management Made Simple

Employees can resign with just a few mouse clicks. When you receive an employee resignation request, the concerned reporting manager and HR are immediately alerted.

When our HRMS receives a resignation request, it immediately sends an acknowledgement email that you may personalize to meet the needs of your firm.

Adaptable Retention Questionnaire

The system can save these predefined groups of queries. These questions can help you protect your essential resources. The technology also keeps employee input, which may be studied and used in the future.

Furthermore, the reporting manager can create a one-on-one meeting request to discuss the terms of employee resignation.

Capability to Schedule Exit Interviews

The reporting manager or the employee may use this function to initiate one-on-one exit interviews to negotiate the terms of the resignation.

Relieving Letter & FnF Settlement

The HRMS Platform automatically generates a release letter for employees who fail the organization’s retention attempt phase. On a successful employee resignation, the HRMS also determines the employee’s compensation after calculating all deductions.

With ConfluxHR, you can automate the organization’s exit processes, starting from employee resignation application, to FnF settlement and relieving letter generation. Let your HR focus on organizational change, while ConfluxHR automates the core HR processes.

Would You Like to Automate the Tedious Legally Compliant Employee Exit processes?

Schedule a Demo with ConfluxHR to experience a more straightforward, smoother, and compliant employee exit process.


Improve Your Payroll Process and TDS Compliance With This 5-point Checklist

Payroll compliance is a critical factor for human resource and payroll specialists. You must ensure that you can safeguard your payroll team – and your entire firm – from any penalties that may result from noncompliance. Having a Payroll and TDS calculator can help!

Having a reliable TDS calculator for your organization is necessary for the modern age. You’ll also want to ensure you’re keeping your employees pleased by paying them on time – and making sure they’re getting paid correctly.

To assist you with payroll compliance, we’ve developed a list of pointers. These pointers will keep you on track with all the compliance requirements in your path.

Stay Updated With Payroll Laws

Payroll regulation is something you’ll need to stay on top of because it changes on a frequent basis. Although, how can you stay on top of all the legislation updates?

Attending payroll seminars, viewing webinars, and attending industry conferences can all help you learn more. They provide advice on various areas, including legislation changes and new payroll methods.

You and your payroll staff will learn about the most recent regulatory changes, industry trends, payroll innovation, and other issues that will affect payroll processing. Experts in respective fields will be present at seminars, conferences, and webinars to give you the necessary insights.

Your payroll management system may also act as a TDS calculator and help you stay on top of the latest legislation.

Understand International Law

Is your company present in numerous countries? If that’s the case, you’ll have to cope with the difficulties of foreign payroll. Each country has its own rules and regulations regarding pay, deductions, remittances, and reporting.

In the meantime, more countries are implementing real-time filing and electronic deposits. Dealing with foreign currencies, customs, and time zones will make this procedure more difficult. It will be easier if you have a thorough understanding of international law.

On the other hand, you can rely on a robust payroll management system that can act as your TDS deduction calculator. ConfluxHR can help you with all your tax compliance-related issues with just a single click!

Consult the Professionals

Do you need assistance with payroll compliance and legislation? Speak with a professional. If you hire an accountant, they will be familiar with payroll requirements and will be able to assist you with necessary adjustments and updates.

They can also assist you in keeping records up to date, filing returns, and remitting taxes. Furthermore, they can help you if you require assistance with payroll concerns or in resolving document anomalies.

Transition to an Automated Payroll Processing Approach with A TDS Calculator

Your payroll team should not have to chase down and enter every piece of data about your employees’ working lives into systems. It takes a lot of effort to chase down timesheets and expense forms, time that may be better spent on more productive duties.

By using a payroll management system, you will empower your employees. It makes reviewing and approving their requests as they come in easier. It can also act as a TDS deduction calculator, eliminating all your Tax Compliance headaches.

Download your freemium version of ConfluxHR Payroll Management Software to help you automate the complexity of payroll and ensure that your payroll runs smoothly.

Submit Your Payroll Data On Time

Lastly, if you have late submissions, your company may face penalties. Payroll can be extremely complicated, with various factors to consider, including:

Tax Due Dates

Shifting Paychecks

Three Month Reporting

So make sure you leave adequate time to complete duties. Make a yearly calendar to help you keep organized. It should include all the important dates you need to remember, such as when timesheets and invoices are due and when payments are due.

This will assist you in ensuring that essential duties are noticed. You can also use the calendar to inform employees when they will be paid. It will also help your staff stay on top of any chores you must complete for payroll to run effectively.

Complete Your Payroll Year End Procedures As Soon As Possible

The year-end payroll process occurs in December and needs you to shut down your previous payroll year and begin a new one. Adapting to an automated payroll management system will only benefit your organization in the long run.

With ConfluxHR, you can do all this and more with just a click!

Final Thoughts on Being Payroll Compliant with A TDS Calculator

Making sure you finish the payroll processing on time can save you and your team a lot of stress. Payroll might be complicated, but maintaining up-to-date on legislation is critical. As you can see, there are several things you must do to be compliant.

You’ll have the best chance of staying compliant with your payroll if you get help where you need it from accountants, use good payroll software, and stay up to date with the latest updates on your payroll management system.

What will you focus on when your payroll process is automated? Let us know.


An Overview of Leave Types In A HR Management Software

From working in a setup where the center of power was with the employer to watch the shift of power to the employee, we have come a long way. The human resource management norms went for a toss in the last few years.

Businesses started taking employees seriously and taking care of every little grievance. Moreover, the leave management system plays an enormous role in employee engagement and retention.

Companies exhibit their progressive aspect by cultivating a great work environment for the employees to feel appreciated and energetic. Let us discuss a few leave types that every employer must know about to map out the leave management approach in their organization.

Types of leaves

The law body of the nation has minimal interference in the leave management scenario at work. However, they have outlined the specifics of the leave policy, which has been accepted by employers widely.
Let us go through the popular types of leaves that employers prefer to offer!

1. Privilege leave (PL)

Privilege Leave (sometimes known as Earned Leaves) is the type of leave employees earn by being present during the working days. In some parts of the world, these leaves are also called Flexi. To avail of these leaves, employees must plan and inform their reporting managers ahead of time. The best part of the leave type is it can be carried forward to the next financial year.

2. Casual Leave (CL)

Some companies provide casual leave apart from earned leaves. Such type of leaves compensates for unforeseen situations and of utmost emergency. CL is mandatory in many states. Moreover, some employers combine the entitlements of Casual leave and Sick leave to simplify the leave policy.

3. Sick leave (SL)

Sick Leaves are also known as medical leaves, which are extended to employees on the grounds of sickness and accidental cases. Sick Leaves are mandatory as per the law. However, employees often tend to misuse SL. Therefore, employers seek a medical certificate to validate the leave.

4. Maternity Leave (ML)

The Act of Maternity Benefit 1961 mandates that employers provide 26 weeks of paid leave to women who have worked for at least 80 days and are expecting a delivery date. Maternity Benefits is a central government act applicable to an individual’s first two children.

5. Compensatory Leave (Comp-Off)

Comp-Off is a leave that is entitled to employees in case of emergency. Employees who have been working on the weekends or holidays to hand over the deliverables on priority can claim a comp-off on a workday.

6. Marriage Leave

Some companies provide special leave for employees during the marriage. The employer can provide marriage leave from anywhere between 1-15 days. Moreover, the HR department can ask for the marriage invitation card or a marriage certificate as proof of leave approval.

7. Paternity leave

Paternity leave is extended to employees who are expecting to be fathers. It is a leave for fathers to take care of their newborn and the mother. The employer can grant the leave for a specific time from the date of birth of the child.

8. Bereavement Leave

Bereavement leave is extended to an employee who has lost a family member or a loved one to death. It is the leave to participate in the person’s last rites and grieve. This kind of leave is called compassionate leave in some parts of the world.

**Fun fact: Some companies also allow bereavement to leave for the death of an employee’s pet!

9. Leave without Pay (LWP)

At times employees run out of balance leaves of all types but still seek time off. Those leaves are categorized as Leave without Pay (LWP). During payroll processing, employers deduct salaries for the number of LWPs in a month.

The Way Forward

Every organization must have a static and progressive leave management policy. Often employees assess the affluence of a company from the leave policy. If you have aimed at retaining employees for a longer period, you must have a progressive leave policy for your employees so that they feel valued.



A Guide to Seamless Performance Management Using an HRMS

How do you encourage great talents in the workplace? Now one might have several answers like appraisal, appreciation, accreditation etc. However, we believe the right way to encourage talent is by having an agile method of identifying their contribution.

The performance management system in an organization determines what heights it can conquer soon. The holistic process of performance management involves continuous reviews, feedback exchange, and training for upskilling.

Moreover, a performance management process must enlighten the immediate managers and hire management about the competencies, strengths, weaknesses etc. If long-term employee retainment and organizational growth is the goal, then its imperative for an organization to invest time, effort, and possible money into creating an agile performance management method.

Challenges of Manual Performance Management

Well, we have already stepped into the era of automation, and businesses have started discarding the manual ways of performance management. Businesses across the globe seem to be turning up to automation software solutions for performance management.

However, if you have not gotten over the manual process of payroll management process yet, then we can give you a handful of valid reasons that might change your mind.

  • It takes you time to set the KRAs and KPIs. Moreover, maintaining them manually in the excel sheets makes trackability more challenging than ever!
  • Managers might not analyze it accurately every month.
  • Collating performance since the joining date of the employee might be challenging.
  • Poorly performing employees might not get proper assistance to level up their performances.

Primary Features of Performance Management

Performance management system tools have several features that can make the process of rigorous reviews a very convenient one! The best HRMS systems have the The following pointers will bring you the prominent features of a common performance management module of an HRMS.

• 360-Degree Feedback:

A healthy performance management system evaluates a candidate in every which way possible and does not just stick to the hierarchical review system. Hence, a 360-degree feedbacking system makes for it and enables a fair assessment of performance in the organization

• Monthly review Model:

To keep track of the overall performance of an employee, a monthly review system is one of the most promising solutions. A month of time is the apt period to evaluate performances.

• Identification of training requirements:

With a performance management system, you can identify the weaknesses of your employees and help them overcome those shortcomings with the right training.

• A valuable tool to set KPIs and KRAs

You can set achievable and trackable goals using a dedicated performance management system. It makes the review system way more measurable.

The Bottom Line

Do you know what is an imperative part of a winning workplace culture? – Opportunity for talents. For that, an organization must have a promising performance management system process. Moreover, if you want to manage the mundane activities of HR wing at a go with absolutely no hassle, you can settle on the best HR software solution with a dedicated payroll management module.


How to Build a Unique Employee Benefits Program?

For an organization to implement a successful employee benefits program, it is critical to define its goal before implementing it. This practice will serve as a guide in the establishment and design of the benefits program. It does not produce a list of benefits but provides an overview of the organization’s goals.

This must make you wonder, what are the best employee benefits?

An employee benefits package should be such that it should aid in implementing organizational change in the long run.

Consider elements such as the number of employees in the organization, the location of your office, and so on when developing employee benefit goals. The following are a few methods to create a unique employee benefits package.

Having Clear Goals

Having clearly defined and attainable goals will keep you focused and motivated as you decide which benefits to provide your employees.

Furthermore, your primary goals for providing employee benefits must be:

  • Attracting and sustaining prospective clients.
  • Working within the constraints of the budget.
  • To Have distinct labor-market benefits.
  • Having Benefits that follow state and federal laws.
  • Surprising your employees with a special corporate discount program.

Meaningful Benefits

The perks that your firm will provide must complement those of your employees. Knowing your employees’ desires is essential when establishing an employee benefits package.

Your workplace will be a mix of veteran staff and millennials. Keeping this in mind, you must establish a foundation of ideas that will benefit both personnel. It would be best if you also linked the advantages with their ideas.

Not only will this boost your employees’ productivity, but it will also increase their loyalty to your firm.

Conducting Surveys

Choosing benefits for your employees can be difficult, and you must be extremely particular when making your decision.

In the long run, your benefits package will be critical in meeting company aims and goals.

However, how can you decide which benefits are ideal for your employees? Health insurance, retirement plans, health plans, insurance plans, and other benefits are common. Do you offer something in addition to these benefits?

You can conduct a poll to learn more about your employees’ perspectives. The survey will include questions about the benefits your employees desire. After completing the survey, you will have a better understanding of what your employees want and what they expect.

This way, you’ll have a comprehensive benefits package that meets everyone’s needs. Furthermore, this will give your staff the idea that you care about them and have a unique business culture.

ConfluxHR is the ideal choice for conducting surveys for startups, SMEs, and SMBs. It is strong, transparent, and user-friendly and solves a variety of problems.

Do You Want to Learn More About ConfluxHR? Please visit this page.

Financially Stable Benefits

You can choose to concentrate on the rewards, but you must also consider the money you will invest. You must construct the program so that the benefits you deliver are within your budget.

Spend only what you can afford if your organization is small. Make your approach strategic and specific. Keep track of the advantages your competitors have to offer. This will give you a clear image of the steps you must take.

Remember, you will offer a few employee benefits program that your competitors do not. By doing so, you may keep your most valuable assets while also attracting potential recruits.

Keep the benefits within your budget and gradually increase them over time. This will be strategic, and it will also aid in the steady growth of your finances.

Optional Benefits

The remainder of the benefits package will be optional or chosen by you for your employees. Optional benefits include the following:

Pension plans or retirement benefits for your employees—a program in which your company assists them by contributing to their retirement funds.

You can also provide paid vacation packages to your employees who have performed admirably in their roles. They worked hard and attempted to finish their assignment. And taking a few days off helps revitalize your personnel while lowering burnout. Setting a good example that hard work pays off.

Another one of your optional perks may be sick leave with full payment. You will retain your most valuable assets if you do so. You will also be able to instill a sense of loyalty in them.

Tuition reimbursement, skill development programs, child care subsidies, financial planning, disability insurance, health care facilities, and other unique employee benefits may be benefitial for your organization.

Make your benefits program more effective and sustainable by incorporating new ideas whenever possible. Give each employee an annual account of total salary, including benefits, to help them realize any optional benefits you provide.


Personnel Management Vs. HRMS- Objectives, Functions & More!

Personnel and human resource management are two very different concepts in theory and orientation. The personnel management system focuses on the utilization of resources. However, human resource management is the modern Way of enhancing employees’ productivity.

There is a fine line of Difference between both concepts. Personnel management was the initial approach for enhancing organizational productivity. Today, the modernized approach to employee engagement has called for a renaissance. Human resource management is all about establishing healthy work association with the employees to play a significant role in retaining the employees in the future.

Key Difference between personnel management and HRM

Human resource management is the evolved version of human resource management. Personnel management does not allow employees to be treated as human beings in the first place. The personal management approach is indirect, unlike modern human resource management.

As per personnel management, the negotiation is done collectively with the union leader. Contrarily, as per human resource management, every employee has a separate individual contract with the organization.

HRM aims to achieve an ideal workplace and culture that energizes employees to give their best shots and stay for the long term. Hence, Human Resource Managers focus on enhancing business sustainability by creating a close-knit team and excellent work culture.

The nature and scope of HRM are to offer opportunities for resources to grow and contribute to organizational growth.

Most importantly, Human resource Management treats employees as humans first and resources later!

The Way forward!

Human resource management is proof of the renaissance of the corporate landscape. It is another progressive extension of personnel management that called off the shortcomings of the resource utilization approach.
Nowadays, retaining employees for the long term is immensely challenging. Employees are very much aware of their rights, and there is no way to treat human resources like tools for driving productivity. Hence, human resource management has evolved over the years to address employees’ concerns.