
Promising Ways to Achieve Gender Inclusivity in the Workplace

A gender-inclusive workplace is ultimately the way forward to a sustainable organization. Above all, we always knew that diversity is the mix, but inclusion is all about making the mix work in our favor! 

Gender inclusivity is not all about identifying but providing each team member with equal workplace opportunities, irrespective of gender.

Why is gender diversity important at workplace?

Gender inclusivity in the workplace is the step toward a non-violent and safe workplace. Above all, several types of research have shown that gender inclusion is excellent for a flourishing economy.

Each time we fail to achieve it, we pay the price. Ultimately, it is a fundamental human right. Now that we know why to opt for gender inclusive environment for work, let us run through a few ways to help us achieve it.

5 ways of achieving a gender-inclusive workplace

1.    Craft-based Job descriptions:

A job description can bring a world of difference in achieving Gender inclusiveness. It can be a tiny step towards a big goal. The gender language creates an impact on the reader. Frame your job descriptions so that it welcomes excellent sources irrespective of gender.

2.    Flexible workplace:

Take proactive measures to understand and resolve gender-related issues. Menstrual, maternal, and paternal leave are all part of a gender-inclusive work environment. A workplace must be flexible for people of all genders to feel comfortable and give their best contributions.

3.    Implementation of fair compensation practices:

Women earn only 82% of men’s salary. If you look forward to being a sustainable organization that attracts candidates rightly, you must compensate employees fairly. Every organization must opt for a very formal approach to determine the compensation band of employees.

4.    Learn from exit interviews:

Almost 64% of working women leave an organization because of gender bias. Since it is one of the most prominent malpractices in the corporate arena, we can always take a lesson from the exit interviews. After all, mistakes are the best ways to learn.

5.    Set a diverse interview panel:

Though, merit must be the only ground in selecting the interview panel. However, a diverse interview panel leaves a comforting and positive impression on the candidates’ minds.

The Bottom Line

These are the few promising ways to achieve a gender inclusivity work environment. After all, that is the way forward to a sustainable workplace. On the verge of discarding the conventional, the modern corporate world is paving the way towards an ultra-inclusive and comfortable working world for the candidates.


7 Ways HR Management is Way Different Than The Conventional One

The HR Department we know, and love today is not the same as it used to be. The department was known to be an administrative wing. But today, it addresses many topics like the company’s management & employees’ grievances. The traditional HR department was not the powerhouse of the organization, but the contemporary HR Management has evolved to be the body that regulates the work environment and essential functionalities of the company. 

Traditional Vs. Contemporary HR Management

The differences between conventional and contemporary human resource management systems are many. Undeniably, the differences have just made things better. The work environment has been way smoother for the employees, and the workforce has been way more productive for the company, all thanks to the new era of HR Management. Let us discuss a few observable differences between conventional HR management and the new age HR management.

1.    The Central Focus:

The central focus of the HR Department has changed over the years. The traditional HR wing primarily focused on hiring resources, communicating expectations and employee orientation. On the contrary, today’s HR department focuses on more essential areas like acquisition, development, training, talent acquisition and retention etc.

2.    The Approach:

Just think of HR approaches a few years back; you will be reminded of routine and practices. Today’s HR Management is more about strategies, from goal setting to analysis of the work environment. HR Managers play a crucial role in shaping the company’s future and taking the organization in the right direction.

3.    Employee Management:

Another remarkable change is that the HR department is no more limited to creating company policies and policing employees. They invest their efforts aiming at a bigger picture where the employees’ grievances are paramount of importance. They ensure the best interest of each employee working in the organization.

4.    The Hiring Process:

Selective hiring is one of the most observable changes the HR landscape has ever witnessed. It is the people of the company that we place our bets on. You cannot just hire anyone just for the sake of hiring. Valuable hiring is all about finding the right fit for job roles. The modern hiring process includes character analysis of the candidates rather than just focussing on the work experience (which is also an important factor to consider)!

5.    Fair Appraisal Process:

The one-way hierarchical appraisal system fails as it has proven to have loopholes. However, the new age HR department believes in a fair appraisal policy that includes 360-degree appraisal.

6.    Training Employees:

Training employees and adding to their knowledge helps an organization grow exponentially. Developing relevant skills in individuals adds to the organization’s overall development. It ensures that your workforce is among the frontrunners!

7.    Ensuring A Satisfactory Exit Experience:

A smooth and satisfactory exit experience highlights the sportsmanship spirit of the organization. Exit experience used to be terrible for employees back in the old days. But today’s updated HR handbook guide will always suggest making the exit process easier. An organization becomes way more powerful when the ex-employees become its brand ambassadors.

The Bottom Line:

The change in the HR landscape appears much better, more comfortable, and happy as a change! The need of the hour for a better work environment and productivity. The combination of these good practices in an organization ensures the best advantage.

Employees’ synergy and team spirits can take organizations to heights and beyond!

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