
A Guide to Avoid Compliance Issues During Employee Exit Process

Resignations are an inevitable part of any company, especially a developing one. You can accept a resignation in stride at times. However, now and then, you will encounter unforeseen circumstances.

As an employer, you will undoubtedly confront the unavoidable – a resignation.

Dealing with the employee exit process correctly and methodically eliminates unwanted hindrances. Here’s a step-by-step guide on handling a resignation to make the transition easier for the employee and the firm.

Acknowledge the Employee Resignation

When you receive a resignation request from an employee, acknowledge it and inform the employee that the process has begun on your end.

After that, proceed with the steps outlined below:

  • The reporting supervisor and the HR manager should work together to decide the employee’s retention status.
  • Arrange an informal discussion with the employee to discuss whether or not you can keep them. Otherwise, consult the notice period, handover method, and any outstanding assignments you’d need before the person leaves.
  • Determine whether you want to hire a new employee to replace the employee. If you need to recruit someone, you should begin the process as soon as feasible.

Negotiate with the Employee

If you believe the employee is worth going the additional mile to keep, you must first grasp what it will take to save him. A raise or a promotion will usually cause the employee to reconsider their decision.

However, if the problem is more severe and you cannot persuade them, it is essential to demonstrate support for their decision.

Communicate the Notice Period

Once the resignation has been mutually accepted, determine the employee’s last day of employment. The notice period can be defined on the day of joining the employee.

The Hand Over Process

The job handled by the retiring employee must continue once he is gone. Request that he passes on his access to company sites, or any work in progress, to a colleague or the recruit.

The Final Exit Interview

It is critical to have an exit interview after the notice period to ease the employee’s leave. Having this interview close to the last day allows the employee to be more open about his opinions.

While this may appear to be a formality, it may answer some critical personnel management concerns correctly. Here are some questions you should ask at a departure interview:

What Made Them Leave?

  • What Might You Have Done Differently to Avert Your Resignation?
  • If Not, Then Why? / If Yes, Then Why?
  • Did They Have the Necessary Tools to Do Their Work Well?
  • What Did They Enjoy Best About the Company?
  • What Did They Not Like About The Firm the Most?

You should note the responses to these questions for further analysis. Keeping a record of exit interview responses will aid in identifying HR issues and reducing attrition rates.

Relieving Formalities

Finally, verify that all leave processes have been completed before the employee’s last day. You could set up a process in which the employee must receive an acknowledgement from appropriate supervisors before leaving.

This guarantees that all outstanding tasks have been finished and all relevant handovers have been accomplished. In addition, ensure that any products supplied to the employee have been returned. Here’s a brief list of items the employee may need to return before they leave the organization:

  • Laptops
  • Keys for Office/Drawers etc.
  • IDs and Access Cards
  • Company Cell phone
  • Company Credit Card

F&F and A Letter of Relief

It is now time to process the employee’s final settlement. It is also a great initiative to send staff a good-by letter on their last day. This would leave the employee with a favourable impression of your organization.

Here is a list of things you should include in their compensation package.

  • Unpaid Salary, including LTA
  • Reimbursements
  • Incentives
  • Remunerations
  • Gratuity, if applicable
  • Pension, if applicable

Once the funds have been processed, send the employee a resignation letter. Remember to include the tenure, designation, and remuneration in the letter.

Aren’t You Tired of Cumbersome Employee Exit Processes for the Sake of Compliance Management?

Following a set procedure avoids unnecessary delays and smoothens the transition for the employee and your business. However, you can simplify these processes with just a few clicks!

Employees can apply for resignation through ConfluxHR with just a few clicks. It also allows HR administrators to track, manage, and process all voluntary and involuntary resignations.

Here’s Everything ConfluxHR Gives You for a Smoother Employee Exit Process:

Resignation-Application & Management Made Simple

Employees can resign with just a few mouse clicks. When you receive an employee resignation request, the concerned reporting manager and HR are immediately alerted.

When our HRMS receives a resignation request, it immediately sends an acknowledgement email that you may personalize to meet the needs of your firm.

Adaptable Retention Questionnaire

The system can save these predefined groups of queries. These questions can help you protect your essential resources. The technology also keeps employee input, which may be studied and used in the future.

Furthermore, the reporting manager can create a one-on-one meeting request to discuss the terms of employee resignation.

Capability to Schedule Exit Interviews

The reporting manager or the employee may use this function to initiate one-on-one exit interviews to negotiate the terms of the resignation.

Relieving Letter & FnF Settlement

The HRMS Platform automatically generates a release letter for employees who fail the organization’s retention attempt phase. On a successful employee resignation, the HRMS also determines the employee’s compensation after calculating all deductions.

With ConfluxHR, you can automate the organization’s exit processes, starting from employee resignation application, to FnF settlement and relieving letter generation. Let your HR focus on organizational change, while ConfluxHR automates the core HR processes.

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Schedule a Demo with ConfluxHR to experience a more straightforward, smoother, and compliant employee exit process.