
Improve Your Payroll Process and TDS Compliance With This 5-point Checklist

Payroll compliance is a critical factor for human resource and payroll specialists. You must ensure that you can safeguard your payroll team – and your entire firm – from any penalties that may result from noncompliance. Having a Payroll and TDS calculator can help!

Having a reliable TDS calculator for your organization is necessary for the modern age. You’ll also want to ensure you’re keeping your employees pleased by paying them on time – and making sure they’re getting paid correctly.

To assist you with payroll compliance, we’ve developed a list of pointers. These pointers will keep you on track with all the compliance requirements in your path.

Stay Updated With Payroll Laws

Payroll regulation is something you’ll need to stay on top of because it changes on a frequent basis. Although, how can you stay on top of all the legislation updates?

Attending payroll seminars, viewing webinars, and attending industry conferences can all help you learn more. They provide advice on various areas, including legislation changes and new payroll methods.

You and your payroll staff will learn about the most recent regulatory changes, industry trends, payroll innovation, and other issues that will affect payroll processing. Experts in respective fields will be present at seminars, conferences, and webinars to give you the necessary insights.

Your payroll management system may also act as a TDS calculator and help you stay on top of the latest legislation.

Understand International Law

Is your company present in numerous countries? If that’s the case, you’ll have to cope with the difficulties of foreign payroll. Each country has its own rules and regulations regarding pay, deductions, remittances, and reporting.

In the meantime, more countries are implementing real-time filing and electronic deposits. Dealing with foreign currencies, customs, and time zones will make this procedure more difficult. It will be easier if you have a thorough understanding of international law.

On the other hand, you can rely on a robust payroll management system that can act as your TDS deduction calculator. ConfluxHR can help you with all your tax compliance-related issues with just a single click!

Consult the Professionals

Do you need assistance with payroll compliance and legislation? Speak with a professional. If you hire an accountant, they will be familiar with payroll requirements and will be able to assist you with necessary adjustments and updates.

They can also assist you in keeping records up to date, filing returns, and remitting taxes. Furthermore, they can help you if you require assistance with payroll concerns or in resolving document anomalies.

Transition to an Automated Payroll Processing Approach with A TDS Calculator

Your payroll team should not have to chase down and enter every piece of data about your employees’ working lives into systems. It takes a lot of effort to chase down timesheets and expense forms, time that may be better spent on more productive duties.

By using a payroll management system, you will empower your employees. It makes reviewing and approving their requests as they come in easier. It can also act as a TDS deduction calculator, eliminating all your Tax Compliance headaches.

Download your freemium version of ConfluxHR Payroll Management Software to help you automate the complexity of payroll and ensure that your payroll runs smoothly.

Submit Your Payroll Data On Time

Lastly, if you have late submissions, your company may face penalties. Payroll can be extremely complicated, with various factors to consider, including:

Tax Due Dates

Shifting Paychecks

Three Month Reporting

So make sure you leave adequate time to complete duties. Make a yearly calendar to help you keep organized. It should include all the important dates you need to remember, such as when timesheets and invoices are due and when payments are due.

This will assist you in ensuring that essential duties are noticed. You can also use the calendar to inform employees when they will be paid. It will also help your staff stay on top of any chores you must complete for payroll to run effectively.

Complete Your Payroll Year End Procedures As Soon As Possible

The year-end payroll process occurs in December and needs you to shut down your previous payroll year and begin a new one. Adapting to an automated payroll management system will only benefit your organization in the long run.

With ConfluxHR, you can do all this and more with just a click!

Final Thoughts on Being Payroll Compliant with A TDS Calculator

Making sure you finish the payroll processing on time can save you and your team a lot of stress. Payroll might be complicated, but maintaining up-to-date on legislation is critical. As you can see, there are several things you must do to be compliant.

You’ll have the best chance of staying compliant with your payroll if you get help where you need it from accountants, use good payroll software, and stay up to date with the latest updates on your payroll management system.

What will you focus on when your payroll process is automated? Let us know.


The A to Z of Candidate Management With an HRMS

What do you think a successful recruitment process looks like? May be accurate interview processes, proper data management and strategies to attract talent the right way. Seems like a great place to start the discussion.

Candidate management is one of the most promising strategies of recruitment management. It helps in building a healthy relationship with the applicants so that they can be used in the future responses. The task is a mixture of relationship management and data management. Candidate management traces the journey of an applicant to an employee.

A proper candidate management process attracts valuable candidates and ensures a fulfilling candidature experience.

What changes can an HRMS bring to the recruitment Process?

The entire talent acquisition process enjoys the advantage of candidate management process through an HRMS. Let us through some of the prominent differences that are substantially visible:

  • There is no haphazard approach:
    Things start falling apart when the approach towards candidates are haphazard. It degrades candidate’s interview experience. However, when you have a well-managed candidate data, you tend to get in touch with the candidate, give feedbacks, do follow ups on time.
  • You keep touch with the candidate:
    Candidate management system enables you to keep in touch with the applicants after each step of the hiring process. Northing can ever be a worse behavior than ghosting an applicant or not getting back to them with an apt response.
  • You allocate the right talent
    A dedicate recruitment management module in an HRMS helps you allocate the right talent for the positions. Leveraging technology for the candidate management helps you put the applicants in the interview pipeline and check their suitability.
  • Candidate management process becomes trackable
    Candidate management process is insanely hectic when it is not trackable. The best HR systems have a recruitment management module that enables employers and HRs to track the details and interview details of applicants, which ultimately saves several working hours.

Top Features of a Recruitment Management Module

When you have ample recruitment management tools around, which one should you settle for? Well, we bring you the checklist for an ideal recruitment management module in an HRMS.

  • Candidate database management
    Candidate database management features helps you to add candidates and other related details about him/er. It helps manage candidature details for future references.
  • Skillset management
    Skillsets are important points of consideration while assessing candidatures. Hence, skill set management helps in perfect resource allocation.
  • Interview scheduling
    The recruitment management module of an HRMS must enable recruiters to schedule interviews. Hence, it automates the process where the interviewer gets notified and replaces the hassle of multiple follow ups.
  • Automated feedbacking
    The manual feedbacking process takes a lot of time. However, with a dedicated recruitment process of an HRMS, the interviewer can automatically drop the feedback of the interview.

Final Words:

A seamless candidate management process is more about synchronizing the system and making it way more trackable. Moreover, you save several working hours which can be utilized for strategic functions of the HR wings.
Are you all set to experience seamless candidate management with the recruitment management module of ConfluxHR?


An Overview of Leave Types In A HR Management Software

From working in a setup where the center of power was with the employer to watch the shift of power to the employee, we have come a long way. The human resource management norms went for a toss in the last few years.

Businesses started taking employees seriously and taking care of every little grievance. Moreover, the leave management system plays an enormous role in employee engagement and retention.

Companies exhibit their progressive aspect by cultivating a great work environment for the employees to feel appreciated and energetic. Let us discuss a few leave types that every employer must know about to map out the leave management approach in their organization.

Types of leaves

The law body of the nation has minimal interference in the leave management scenario at work. However, they have outlined the specifics of the leave policy, which has been accepted by employers widely.
Let us go through the popular types of leaves that employers prefer to offer!

1. Privilege leave (PL)

Privilege Leave (sometimes known as Earned Leaves) is the type of leave employees earn by being present during the working days. In some parts of the world, these leaves are also called Flexi. To avail of these leaves, employees must plan and inform their reporting managers ahead of time. The best part of the leave type is it can be carried forward to the next financial year.

2. Casual Leave (CL)

Some companies provide casual leave apart from earned leaves. Such type of leaves compensates for unforeseen situations and of utmost emergency. CL is mandatory in many states. Moreover, some employers combine the entitlements of Casual leave and Sick leave to simplify the leave policy.

3. Sick leave (SL)

Sick Leaves are also known as medical leaves, which are extended to employees on the grounds of sickness and accidental cases. Sick Leaves are mandatory as per the law. However, employees often tend to misuse SL. Therefore, employers seek a medical certificate to validate the leave.

4. Maternity Leave (ML)

The Act of Maternity Benefit 1961 mandates that employers provide 26 weeks of paid leave to women who have worked for at least 80 days and are expecting a delivery date. Maternity Benefits is a central government act applicable to an individual’s first two children.

5. Compensatory Leave (Comp-Off)

Comp-Off is a leave that is entitled to employees in case of emergency. Employees who have been working on the weekends or holidays to hand over the deliverables on priority can claim a comp-off on a workday.

6. Marriage Leave

Some companies provide special leave for employees during the marriage. The employer can provide marriage leave from anywhere between 1-15 days. Moreover, the HR department can ask for the marriage invitation card or a marriage certificate as proof of leave approval.

7. Paternity leave

Paternity leave is extended to employees who are expecting to be fathers. It is a leave for fathers to take care of their newborn and the mother. The employer can grant the leave for a specific time from the date of birth of the child.

8. Bereavement Leave

Bereavement leave is extended to an employee who has lost a family member or a loved one to death. It is the leave to participate in the person’s last rites and grieve. This kind of leave is called compassionate leave in some parts of the world.

**Fun fact: Some companies also allow bereavement to leave for the death of an employee’s pet!

9. Leave without Pay (LWP)

At times employees run out of balance leaves of all types but still seek time off. Those leaves are categorized as Leave without Pay (LWP). During payroll processing, employers deduct salaries for the number of LWPs in a month.

The Way Forward

Every organization must have a static and progressive leave management policy. Often employees assess the affluence of a company from the leave policy. If you have aimed at retaining employees for a longer period, you must have a progressive leave policy for your employees so that they feel valued.



A Guide to Seamless Performance Management Using an HRMS

How do you encourage great talents in the workplace? Now one might have several answers like appraisal, appreciation, accreditation etc. However, we believe the right way to encourage talent is by having an agile method of identifying their contribution.

The performance management system in an organization determines what heights it can conquer soon. The holistic process of performance management involves continuous reviews, feedback exchange, and training for upskilling.

Moreover, a performance management process must enlighten the immediate managers and hire management about the competencies, strengths, weaknesses etc. If long-term employee retainment and organizational growth is the goal, then its imperative for an organization to invest time, effort, and possible money into creating an agile performance management method.

Challenges of Manual Performance Management

Well, we have already stepped into the era of automation, and businesses have started discarding the manual ways of performance management. Businesses across the globe seem to be turning up to automation software solutions for performance management.

However, if you have not gotten over the manual process of payroll management process yet, then we can give you a handful of valid reasons that might change your mind.

  • It takes you time to set the KRAs and KPIs. Moreover, maintaining them manually in the excel sheets makes trackability more challenging than ever!
  • Managers might not analyze it accurately every month.
  • Collating performance since the joining date of the employee might be challenging.
  • Poorly performing employees might not get proper assistance to level up their performances.

Primary Features of Performance Management

Performance management system tools have several features that can make the process of rigorous reviews a very convenient one! The best HRMS systems have the The following pointers will bring you the prominent features of a common performance management module of an HRMS.

• 360-Degree Feedback:

A healthy performance management system evaluates a candidate in every which way possible and does not just stick to the hierarchical review system. Hence, a 360-degree feedbacking system makes for it and enables a fair assessment of performance in the organization

• Monthly review Model:

To keep track of the overall performance of an employee, a monthly review system is one of the most promising solutions. A month of time is the apt period to evaluate performances.

• Identification of training requirements:

With a performance management system, you can identify the weaknesses of your employees and help them overcome those shortcomings with the right training.

• A valuable tool to set KPIs and KRAs

You can set achievable and trackable goals using a dedicated performance management system. It makes the review system way more measurable.

The Bottom Line

Do you know what is an imperative part of a winning workplace culture? – Opportunity for talents. For that, an organization must have a promising performance management system process. Moreover, if you want to manage the mundane activities of HR wing at a go with absolutely no hassle, you can settle on the best HR software solution with a dedicated payroll management module.


Managing Payroll with an HRMS- The Best Payroll Solution

The end of the month are happy days for employees. However, HRs, accounts team and payroll officers have a hectic schedule during these days. Are you wondering if there is any way to process payroll with utmost accuracy and convenience at a go? Yes, off course there is!

Perks of Using a HRMS Software for Payroll

Haven’t you though of using an HRMS with a dedicated Payroll module yet? Well, we have got you some valid points that can surely change your mind for the better. Catch up the below advantages of using a HRMS for payroll generation and rethink, until you land on the apt solution!

1. Accuracy:

Needless to mention, you cannot be confident about the accuracy when you are manually managing the payroll with excel sheets.


However, with an HRMS, payroll generation seems like a cakewalk. There can barely be any chance of mistakes henceforth.

2. Cost-cutting

Payroll generation is quite a momentous task and especially when you have opted to manual payroll processing using excel sheets. Most of the organization either outsource it or hire manpower to get it done. Using an HRMS, you can streamline your budget and generate payroll with just a click.

3. Timesaving:

HRMS software is one of the best payroll solutions because it synergized various departments for payroll generation.
Payroll processing takes a whole lot of time when you do it using excel sheets. Moreover, you must look for data to flow in from other departments regarding the attendance and leave of employees.
Using payroll management tools, you can save several annual hours because you can generate payroll with a single click.

4. Convenience:

A payroll day won’t be a bad day for you. A payroll management tool receives data from other departments and generates pay register with just a click.

5. Automated Payslips:

Employees feel empowered and independent with a HRMS software. They can download the pay slips at a go. It saves the time of the employees because they would not have to reach out to HR to get the pay slips.

6. Data security:

Data for payroll is confidential. Hence, before relying on any entity, be it a tool or a human resource, you need to be very sure of the data breach threats. Cloud HRMS solutions are the most reliable solutions for resource management and payroll generation.

The Way Forward

All the above pointers indicate how seamlessly you can manage the most tedious task of your organization with a single click. Payroll management tool is a great value adder in an organization.

So, when are you planning to redefine the conventional payroll process in your organization?


Checklist for Settling on The Best HRMS

The modern employment landscape is way different from what it used to be earlier. The success of any business, irrespective of its size, investment, and nature, depends on workforce management. The caliber and competency of the workforce also rely on the organization’s work culture and resource management procedures.

A human resource management system (HRMS) helps utilize the resources better and maintain a productive workplace culture that can ultimately help the organization achieve high returns. However, you can find great HRMS platforms across the globe, and now the next question is which one to go for.

Well, no further worries because we have a checklist to help you settle on the best one!

How to Select the Best HRMS Software?

After a clear need and gap analysis, you can find your best human resource management solution. However, we have a pre-defined list of prerequisites to qualify for an HRMS solution. You must consider the following checklist to select the best HRMS solution for your organization.

1. Module feature list:

Check and review all the modules of the software. The HRMS must have a dedicated solution for leave, attendance, payroll, performance, and recruitment management. Moreover, take advantage of the usability of the software. The user interface of the system must be easy to use.

2. Payroll integration

Payroll is one of the most crucial functions in the daily activities of an organization. Check if the software has payroll integrated with it or not.

3. Employee self-service

Employee self-service is the best part of opting for a human resource management system. They can know about their attendance, leave balance, and download their monthly appraisal and salary slips using the software. It ultimately gives employees a sense of self-dependency in the organization.

4. Customizability:

Every business has its own set of needs. Hence, one set of business needs might only sometimes fit all companies. Therefore, you must look for a software solution that can provide a customized solution that exactly fits your needs.

5. Attendance and leave tracking:

An ideal human resource management software must sync with your attendance tracking system like a biometric system. Hence, you can easily track the attendance of employees and generate a report at a go.

6. Reports Dashboard:

Generating reports related to employees is a regular phenomenon in every other organization. It analyzes every forthcoming industry trend and shows how well your organization has chased it up.

7. Applicant Tracking and management:

Recruitment is the most hectic task for HRs because tracking the applicant is difficult. An ideal HRMS must have a dedicated recruitment management system that helps in monitoring applicants and managing large-scale recruitment at a go.

8. Data storage and security:

Data storage and security are one of the most crucial concerns of an organization. If you are looking for HRMS software, you must ensure a secure software solution to avoid data breaches.

Post-implementation support:

Your software service provider must also extend firm support for all your business requirements post-implementation. Hence, you can reach out to them when your software runs out of order.

The Bottom line

Adhering to the above-listed checklist, you can find the best HRMS for your business. Once you have found the most compatible solution for workforce management, you can resolve most of your managerial issues.


How to Build a Unique Employee Benefits Program?

For an organization to implement a successful employee benefits program, it is critical to define its goal before implementing it. This practice will serve as a guide in the establishment and design of the benefits program. It does not produce a list of benefits but provides an overview of the organization’s goals.

This must make you wonder, what are the best employee benefits?

An employee benefits package should be such that it should aid in implementing organizational change in the long run.

Consider elements such as the number of employees in the organization, the location of your office, and so on when developing employee benefit goals. The following are a few methods to create a unique employee benefits package.

Having Clear Goals

Having clearly defined and attainable goals will keep you focused and motivated as you decide which benefits to provide your employees.

Furthermore, your primary goals for providing employee benefits must be:

  • Attracting and sustaining prospective clients.
  • Working within the constraints of the budget.
  • To Have distinct labor-market benefits.
  • Having Benefits that follow state and federal laws.
  • Surprising your employees with a special corporate discount program.

Meaningful Benefits

The perks that your firm will provide must complement those of your employees. Knowing your employees’ desires is essential when establishing an employee benefits package.

Your workplace will be a mix of veteran staff and millennials. Keeping this in mind, you must establish a foundation of ideas that will benefit both personnel. It would be best if you also linked the advantages with their ideas.

Not only will this boost your employees’ productivity, but it will also increase their loyalty to your firm.

Conducting Surveys

Choosing benefits for your employees can be difficult, and you must be extremely particular when making your decision.

In the long run, your benefits package will be critical in meeting company aims and goals.

However, how can you decide which benefits are ideal for your employees? Health insurance, retirement plans, health plans, insurance plans, and other benefits are common. Do you offer something in addition to these benefits?

You can conduct a poll to learn more about your employees’ perspectives. The survey will include questions about the benefits your employees desire. After completing the survey, you will have a better understanding of what your employees want and what they expect.

This way, you’ll have a comprehensive benefits package that meets everyone’s needs. Furthermore, this will give your staff the idea that you care about them and have a unique business culture.

ConfluxHR is the ideal choice for conducting surveys for startups, SMEs, and SMBs. It is strong, transparent, and user-friendly and solves a variety of problems.

Do You Want to Learn More About ConfluxHR? Please visit this page.

Financially Stable Benefits

You can choose to concentrate on the rewards, but you must also consider the money you will invest. You must construct the program so that the benefits you deliver are within your budget.

Spend only what you can afford if your organization is small. Make your approach strategic and specific. Keep track of the advantages your competitors have to offer. This will give you a clear image of the steps you must take.

Remember, you will offer a few employee benefits program that your competitors do not. By doing so, you may keep your most valuable assets while also attracting potential recruits.

Keep the benefits within your budget and gradually increase them over time. This will be strategic, and it will also aid in the steady growth of your finances.

Optional Benefits

The remainder of the benefits package will be optional or chosen by you for your employees. Optional benefits include the following:

Pension plans or retirement benefits for your employees—a program in which your company assists them by contributing to their retirement funds.

You can also provide paid vacation packages to your employees who have performed admirably in their roles. They worked hard and attempted to finish their assignment. And taking a few days off helps revitalize your personnel while lowering burnout. Setting a good example that hard work pays off.

Another one of your optional perks may be sick leave with full payment. You will retain your most valuable assets if you do so. You will also be able to instill a sense of loyalty in them.

Tuition reimbursement, skill development programs, child care subsidies, financial planning, disability insurance, health care facilities, and other unique employee benefits may be benefitial for your organization.

Make your benefits program more effective and sustainable by incorporating new ideas whenever possible. Give each employee an annual account of total salary, including benefits, to help them realize any optional benefits you provide.


Personnel Management Vs. HRMS- Objectives, Functions & More!

Personnel and human resource management are two very different concepts in theory and orientation. The personnel management system focuses on the utilization of resources. However, human resource management is the modern Way of enhancing employees’ productivity.

There is a fine line of Difference between both concepts. Personnel management was the initial approach for enhancing organizational productivity. Today, the modernized approach to employee engagement has called for a renaissance. Human resource management is all about establishing healthy work association with the employees to play a significant role in retaining the employees in the future.

Key Difference between personnel management and HRM

Human resource management is the evolved version of human resource management. Personnel management does not allow employees to be treated as human beings in the first place. The personal management approach is indirect, unlike modern human resource management.

As per personnel management, the negotiation is done collectively with the union leader. Contrarily, as per human resource management, every employee has a separate individual contract with the organization.

HRM aims to achieve an ideal workplace and culture that energizes employees to give their best shots and stay for the long term. Hence, Human Resource Managers focus on enhancing business sustainability by creating a close-knit team and excellent work culture.

The nature and scope of HRM are to offer opportunities for resources to grow and contribute to organizational growth.

Most importantly, Human resource Management treats employees as humans first and resources later!

The Way forward!

Human resource management is proof of the renaissance of the corporate landscape. It is another progressive extension of personnel management that called off the shortcomings of the resource utilization approach.
Nowadays, retaining employees for the long term is immensely challenging. Employees are very much aware of their rights, and there is no way to treat human resources like tools for driving productivity. Hence, human resource management has evolved over the years to address employees’ concerns.



Employee Upskilling: Skills Over Degrees

Using a skill-based hiring technique increases workplace diversity and productivity. It also reduces recruitment expenses and closes skill gaps. Thus, firms have elected to replace degree-based hiring with skills-based hiring.

‘Skills over degrees’ is an innovative approach to hiring. It represents a more fair, inclusive, and rewarding strategy for attracting top talent. In a candidate shortage, skill-based hiring addresses a variety of problems caused by degree requirements.

In addition, HR performance management tools can also assist firms with administering employee upskill courses for their existing candidates.

Here are four reasons why your company should focus on abilities over degrees:

Locate Skillful Applicants

A poor hire costs a company around INR 25,000. However, losing excellent employees costs close to INR 50,000 per employee.

Skills-based hiring focuses on a candidate’s abilities and competencies. This provides businesses with a clear picture of their ideal applicant. It also gives job seekers a realistic preview of the position’s demands and duties.

A college education helps shape an individual’s critical soft skills. Yet, it does not guarantee that a candidate possesses the necessary technical skills.

Hiring managers may feel more confident in a candidate’s interest if they have a degree. It may also provide exposure to a specific topic or course of study. Yet, it is not a reliable predictor of job performance or a candidate’s suitability for a position. It is only a supposition.

Skill-based Hiring Improves Employee Retention

The great resignation has dawned. Employee retention is currently one of the most significant concerns for firms worldwide. When using skills-based hiring, employers must understand the abilities required to succeed.

A skills-based examination simulates real-life experience in the job role. This provides the candidates with a more accurate representation of the job expectations. In general, this leads to greater job satisfaction.

Proven Skills Contribute More Than Theoretical Knowledge

Besides, employee upskilling is on the rise. HR performance management tools have played a key role in this development. Firms are seeking to upskill their existing employees. They are doing this to maintain a good employee retention figure.

The number of firms providing skill development programs to their employees is increasing. Employees with a degree want better pay due to their investment in education.

However, college graduates are more inclined to change jobs frequently in search of better opportunity. The best solution to this problem is employee upskilling using an HRMS Platform.

Offers Access to a Larger Talent Pool

Reducing candidate application requirements helps to reduce impediments. Degrees do not necessarily prove an applicant’s ability to fulfill the task.

Adopting a skills-based hiring approach exposes your company to candidates who earned their talents through non-traditional means such as on-the-job training or self-teaching. Thus, employers now have access to a bigger talent pool.

Enhances Workplace Diversity

In the recruitment industry, there is a growing emphasis on the value of diversity. Inclusion, creativity, and productivity enhance a company’s bottom-line performance.

Financial incentives should be one of many motivators for firms to prioritize diversity. Yet, skill-based hiring can help increase workforce diversity. Although, let us understand how a university degree contributes to the problem.

Skills-based hiring is based on selecting the job candidate with the skill set that best matches the role’s needs. Hiring based on education only sometimes favors underrepresented groups. Disadvantaged people in the educational system cannot receive the same degree of education.

This could be due to resource and funding constraints. Skills-based hiring does, however, eliminate the unconscious bias associated with pedigree. It makes it far more accessible to candidates from various socioeconomic positions.

Diversity has emerged as a top priority for both corporations and candidates. It impacts a company’s bottom line and is a major deciding factor for job searchers.

Last Thoughts

A degree can only get you a job; it cannot help you advance your career. It is your skill that attracts employers, clients, and managers, and it is a skill that raises or lowers a person. We are in a qualified candidate shortage.

In addition, this situation has arrived when over a third of the workforce lacks a college diploma. This should state the need to reconsider the value of degrees.

Major corporations are now emphasizing skills over degrees. The momentum is building for enterprises of all sizes to follow suit. The benefits of skills-based hiring are plain. It has a history of enhancing employee retention, hiring quality, and so on.

How Can an HRMS Platform Help You?

ConfluxHR addresses most of your hiring, onboarding, and upskilling problems. Our robust HRMS Platform can assist you in the following:

  • Scheduling and Conducting Interviews with Candidates
  • Administering Upskill Courses to Existing Employees
  • Leave and Attendance Management
  • Employee Performance Management
  • Onboarding and Exit Process Management

Also, our HR performance management tools can help you retain more employees for your organization.

Start Onboarding and Retaining Better with ConfluxHR!


Decoding Resource Utilization- The A to Z of it & More!

Companies put all their effort into allocating the right resources. However, the valuable output depends on the employee’s contribution to the company (in billable tasks). Managing the same becomes a hectic task as a team starts growing.

Running a business is never a cakewalk. One of the significant challenges to thriving in the competition is scalability. Moreover, utilizing the strength of human resources is a mere trick, especially when you assign multiple projects to people.

Let us learn about resource utilization, its use, benefits, and the best way to go about it.

How are resource utilization and performance management related?

Resource utilization is a key indicator measuring each employee’s performance and efforts at each time. It is a crucial aspect of the business process which allows the project managers and the team leaders to foresee the availability of resources across various categories soon.

Resource utilization helps you use human resources in the best way to optimize overall business productivity. Undeniably, keeping track of the employee’s performance can be a boon to the overall productivity of an organization. Hence, the performance management process depends on resource utilization for optimized productivity.

What role does resource utilization play in performance management?

The resource allocation process is one of the most crucial aspects of performance optimization and management. The simple task of assigning tasks to employees becomes way more completed when the organization grows on a large scale.

How can an HRMS help in performance optimization?

Human resource management software can make resource management way easier than manual processes. They enhance the trackability of systems, be it documentation, performance tracking or attendance. Here are a few ways HRMS can enhance resource utilization, thereby taking several notches up organizational productivity!

  • Documentation is easy with an HRMS.

Documentation has a meaningful role to play when it comes to performance management. Enlisting the KPIs and noting the scores of the employee each passing month is only possible with an HRMS with a dedicated performance management system.

  • Satisfied employees with self-dependent HRMS

HRMS keeps the employees self-dependent regarding information and actions like leave application, resignation application etc. Hence, it increases the efficiency of employees and helps them perform better each passing day.

  • Formulates the resource management system

The control function of management cannot be focused on without performance management software. It formulates resource management by streamlining the process categorically. It redefines every bit of resource management with advanced technology.

  • Enhances visibility and trackability of operations

Most of the business operations are not trackable when done manually. An HRMS can make things way more visible and trackable. You can be better access to data and insights in general.

  • Helps in cost-cutting

HRMS can help you optimize the budget and cut the operational cost to a great extent. It also saves several annual hours of paperwork and other mundane activities, thereby freeing up HRs for other strategical tasks.

ConfluxHR is one of the most promising HRMS solution with reasonable ticket-size meant to make your business scalable and agile. Have you been looking for an intelligent human resource management solution? Then, book a demo now and let us show you around our product.